Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply from outside the VT catchment?

Yes. However, convenience and travel time to and from school should be considered if you are applying from another school catchment.

How do assignments work?

In Flex Humanities there are no tests, instead we focus on open-format projects, the subject of which students will almost always have the opportunity to choose. For smaller assignments there will usually be a range of pre-selected topics to pick from or a more specific area, group of people, time period, et al. For the semester long Inquiry Project, students have full control over their subject matter with the exception of the general time period.

Do students receive full Language Arts and Social Studies educations?

Yes. The entirety of the Language Arts BC curriculum is covered in Classics, while simultaneously delving into more complex topics like philosophy and literature. A similar sentiment can be shared about Social Studies, the curriculum is totally met however, History gives students the opportunity to explore a deeper understanding of the world around them.

How many students are accepted into Flex Humanities?

28 students are accepted every year.

Is there a yearly cost?

Yes, it costs $300. This covers the Loon Lake Camping Trip, program specific supplies, some field studies costs, etc.

Do students require a computer to complete the program?

No, there is an extra room next to the main classrooms that is accessible to use for projects and research, and if you want to write by hand (as long as it is legible) that is an equally good format to hand in. A desktop at home or a laptop that can be brought to school is quite useful, but it is not a requirement.

If I don’t get accepted in grade 8, can I apply in later years?

Yes, however the only spots available are ones that need to be replaced from students who decided to drop out so the opportunity isn’t particularly regular or even a guarantee.

Can I be in Flex Humanities and French Immersion?

No. However, if you are leaving an Elementary French Immersion or Intensive program, Van Tech’s French department offers a Placement test, and you can be placed in a higher grade level of mainstream French to match your knowledge and grade level.

Do students need to put FH as their top choice to be accepted?

We prioritize students who select Flex Humanities as their top choice. This is mainly because students who are enthusiastic about the program are generally better candidates than applicants who put us at the bottom of their list.

Are there interviews this year? What is the application format?

Yes! All applicants invited to an interview/intake day on February 1st. This will take place at Van Tech. Find more info here.

How many district programs can I apply to?

The VSB allows you to apply to a maximum of three mini schools.

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